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Like music, smells and images influence shoppers. (basic postulates)

We all understand that a bright red button will most likely attract attention than an inconspicuous button, but why press a button if you don’t need what is on the site, even if it’s the reddest and most noticeable button on the whole Internet.

In this article we will try to begin to cover the topic of “silent” impact on the buyer, and begin, as it should be, with information that can be called basic. How do retail offline stores influence their customers, and what games do they play with your feelings?

What does all this smell like?

How often do you pay attention to what the store smells, except when it had a strong and unpleasant smell? In the “above average” stores, a “smell policy” is usually developed and systematically implemented.

How it works?

Almost 10 years ago, in 2004, Richard Axel and Linda Buck received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for studying the mechanisms of the human sense of smell. One of the conclusions was the thesis that instead of analyzing the information that we get when we smell, we experience an emotional outburst of various strengths. That is, we have a certain feeling (sensation), which is subconsciously associated with a particular aroma.

This conclusion is a scientific rationale for what happens to a customer in a store that actively uses odors to increase sales. It is obvious that the smell, which is clearly associated with femininity, becomes a powerful incentive for customers in the store women's clothing or underwear. While our apparent “irritant” becomes a visual image of a product, consciousness associates it with information received from another, less obvious stimulus, i.e. smell.

Another study conducted two years later showed that using the “right” flavor, such as vanilla for women, could double consumption, which we believe is phenomenal.

In favor of the power of smell, the fact that today there are entire consulting agencies that help shop owners, in the literal sense, drive buyers by the nose, creating the right atmosphere in the trading floors. One of
such agencies is ScentAir .

Cover girl

Despite the fact that “beauty is a relative concept,” back in 1991, it was found that children, even in their infancy, show greater interest in photographs of people whom most consider “cute”. Most likely, this suggests that beauty is a biological concept, and is due to the mechanisms of human consciousness.

Robert Cialdini explains it this way: “We subconsciously endow beautiful people with positive features, such as talent, kindness, a sharp mind, and others.” At the same time, we associate the advertised product with these people and get a clear associative array, the essence of which is that “good, pleasant, intelligent people use this product, I am the same (I want to be the same), so I must follow their example” . The abundance of advertising information with vivid images to some extent overloaded this channel, but it continues to be an effective influence factor.

The second factor that presumably influences the customer is the presence of “ mirror neurons ” in our brain, which “are excited both by performing a certain action and by observing the execution of this action by another being”. In other words, a person experiences similar, possibly identical emotions both directly participating in the process and watching him.

Studies of the effect of porn on the human brain have shown that even when looking at photographs of naked people, our neurons work just as they work when we are directly involved in sexual intercourse.

Sharpen your ears

Many studies prove time and time again the effectiveness of music as an instrument of psychological influence. Maybe you should think about what you hear in stores?

Music can influence our emotions by speeding up or slowing down biological processes. In addition, music is a powerful associative tool that allows you to create a clear image that tells you which product to choose.

For us, a huge discovery was the study of the influence of background music on consumers, conducted in 2011. In one of the wine shops, for some period only the music that is clearly associated with France played, then only German music played. At the same time, in each of the periods, sales of wines produced in the country, whose music sounded at the time of making a choice, grew. In addition, classical music has contributed to the purchase of more expensive elite wines.

The volume of music is also of great importance. Loudness on the verge of “very loud” leads to sensory overload, which greatly reduces the ability to self-control, making the purchase decision less conscious. Loud music leads to brain hyperstimulation, which leads to the buyer's hyperactive behavior. The buyer feels upbeat and heightened activity without being aware of what caused them. In this case, the brain slips the visual image of the goods as the most obvious irritant.

A side effect of loud music in youth stores is the feeling of discomfort that appears in the older generation, which makes them seek a balance between the desire to leave an uncomfortable place and parental feelings. In such a situation, parents become more flexible and willingly agree to buy the things that their child has chosen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227569/

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