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Paint.NET 4.0 graphic editor released

To process photos under Windows, it is not necessary to install pirated expensive Photoshop. There is a wonderful free editor Paint.NET, which just yesterday was updated to the fourth version . Work on this version was very long, but the release was very decent!


The most important thing is that the performance of the graphic editor has been significantly increased. A completely new multi-threaded rendering engine has been made for it, which distributes the streams over 2, 4, 6 and at least 16 cores.

The responsiveness of the interface has noticeably increased, especially when working with large images.
Reduced memory consumption. On laptops, the program consumes less battery power (fixed bug with transparency of floating windows).

In addition, thanks to the new .NET Framework 4.5 JIT compiler, the loading of the editor with a large number of installed plug-ins has accelerated.

Of the new features, the new work of the highlighting tool stands out. By default, the new option for smoothing selection margins is turned on, which in most cases helps to more naturally denote objects (the option is disabled if such “artificial intelligence” annoys you. graphics acceleration. In addition, the selected area itself is now more clearly highlighted from the background, with the help of a new animation.


In general, the interface of all the main menus is simplified, consolidated and moved to the upper right corner of the working window.

Improved image preview menu, new dialog with settings for all tools. Layers can be dragged with the mouse. Improved image quality when resizing. When copying to the clipboard, the PNG format is now supported while maintaining transparency. An average mouse wheel for scrolling is supported.

Added program localization to 11 new languages: now 21 languages ​​are supported, including Russian.

Effects and Instruments

One new vignetting effect has been added - darkening the photo at the edges of the frame (Photo -> Vignette).

Improved red-eye removal quality.

Changed the function of zooming and rotation of individual layers.

For each plug-in with the effect, an icon is displayed, when you hover over which information about the author of the effect and the location of the DLL is displayed.

Most tools now have history and pre-change settings before using the tool. Different effects modes are supported.

Improved work of many tools: setting up the brush softness, more smooth pencil stroke (adjusted via GetMouseMovePointsEx ), better interface for scaling, moving and rotating the selected area (even turning with a change in the center of rotation!), 27 new shapes with the ability to scale, added to the templates, rotation and other changes. Improved tools for color selection, gradient fill. The Magic Wand learned how to change the settings for a selected area after the selection, as well as work with individual layers or the whole image. Added several rendering modes for text.

Paint.NET 4.0 runs on Windows 7 SP1 +, you need .NET Framework 4.5, preferably with at least a dual-core processor and hardware accelerated graphics through Direct2D.

You can upgrade Paint.NET 3.5.x to the latest version through the “Utilities” - “Check for Updates” menu. Or download from the official site .

Probably, Paint.NET is the best of free graphic editors. So update and have fun!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227555/

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