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Tail wind energy

The use of wind energy is one of the most promising areas of modern energy. The development of wind power plants (WEC) in Russia is 8.5 billion sq. * Hours, which is less than 1% of the total, but experts predict segment growth several times, to 4.5% by 2020.

At first glance, the design of wind turbines is simpler than other power plants, but the use of the classical scheme with giant blades (span up to 140 meters) imposes a number of restrictions:

First, infrasound, which adversely affects others.
Secondly, windmills are dangerous for birds.
Thirdly, the orientation of the blades on the wind is necessary, and the wind flows are often multidirectional.
Fourthly, during a storm, the blades may be destroyed, and therefore there is a strict limitation in diameter, and, accordingly, the installed capacity of one installation (up to 10 MW).
Fifthly, for the manufacture of long blades WPP need expensive composite materials, which increases the cost of electricity produced.
The engineers of CJSC Aerogrin from Irkutsk offer a beautiful solution - “chain” the wind into a futuristic, streamlined design that eliminates all the above-mentioned disadvantages of modern WPPs. Their project received a patent in Germany, is a resident of Skolkovo, and also entered the final of the GenerationS competition on the track CleanTech (clean technologies). Installations capable of withstanding a hurricane, are already interested in Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Today we talked with the technical director of the project, Yuri Kriulin.

SK: Yury, tell us how the technology works and how does it differ from the existing solutions?
Yu.K .: Just look at the device to figure out how it works. The wind enters the internal area of ​​the installation through the side noise-absorbing fairings on either side, where it is met by a light aircraft turbine installed parallel to the ground. Its short blades under the action of the air flow rotate and drive the shaft of the generator. The “roof” of the device is a disc-shaped aerodynamic wing resembling a mushroom cap, which not only protects the entire structure from bad weather (rain and snow, hail, hurricane), but also creates the necessary vacuum to organize the movement of air. In the future, it is planned to install solar panels on the roof for additional power generation.
The main difference from the existing solutions is the almost complete safety for the environment and the ability to use the installation both with a small (from 1 m / s) and with a strong wind (up to 30 m / s - “cruel storm” on the Beaufort scale). The three-bladed wind turbine operates in the range of 2–15 m / s.

SK: Are there any similar developments abroad?
Yu.K.: Similar developments are already underway in many countries of the world, but the products of the American company SheerWind from the state of Minnesota and the Singapore-based IMPLUX are closest to us in principle of operation.

SK: Tell us at what stage is the project?
Yu.K .: At present, we have manufactured two pilot-demonstration samples, with a diameter of an aerodynamic turbine of 1 meter. They have more than convincingly demonstrated the advantages of our concept in wind energy, relatively modern wind farms, as well as turbine installations that are gaining popularity in the world, which have been actively promoted recently in the global wind energy market.

SK: When do you plan to enter the market?
Yu.K.: The wind energy market is rather dense, therefore, now we have plans to optimize the design with a power of 1 kW in terms of price-quality ratio. We are planning the end of 2014 to release a small pre-production batch of AeroGreen wind turbines .

SK: Tell us about the composition of the product development team? Was it difficult to find employees?
Yu.K .: The main team of our team is four leading specialists. Everyone is professionally engaged in their field, this is the engineering development of AeroGreen technology, the organization and attraction of investments in the project, financial and legal, patent support and organizational and production issues.

SK: Tell us how participation in the GenerationS competition influenced the project?
Yu.K .: It is certainly prestigious to be among the top ten projects in Russia under the international environmental program CleanTech Russia 2014 . We hope that now it will be easier for us to work with investment funds in preparing and creating an innovative product for entering the market.

Interview taken by Sergey Kokarev

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227527/

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