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Myo - official release in September

After several years of work, the Myo bracelet, which will make you feel like a real Jedi or hero of Tom Cruise from the film “Minority Report”, is preparing for an official release in September this year.

The Canadian company Thalmic Labs riveted the attention of millions of potential customers in February of last year , when it showed a video clip of Myo, a bracelet that allows you to control electronic devices with simple hand gestures.

Thalmic Labs sent its first batch of Myo to developers last December (an alpha version of the bracelet), but the company later said it was postponing the official release due to plans to improve the design. The main task was to create an adaptive model that would fit all, which would greatly facilitate the production and reduce additional costs. At the same time, Thalmic Labs managed to reduce the weight of the bracelet by 25%, thickness by 50% and make the design more attractive and unusual. Earlier in June, Thalmic Labs officially unveiled a novelty on its website .

Myo works with the help of electromyography technology - a method for studying bioelectric potentials that arise in skeletal muscles when muscle fibers are excited - in other words, recording the electrical activity of muscles. Myo measures the electrical signals in the arm muscles and detects the intended gesture even before its actual implementation, before the arm moves.

Thalmic Labs plans to spend the upcoming months before the official release to develop software products for the bracelet, in particular its own SDK. One of the main goals of the company today is to give developers the opportunity to apply Myo wherever a potential user wishes. Primarily, the emphasis will be placed on games and media entertainment, such as flipping through an online book , but the company is also interested in managing other appliances. Thalmic Labs has already received more than 10,000 applications from third-party developers to participate in the program to create applications for Myo.

The custom version of Myo, as well as for developers, is already available for pre-order for $ 149. Compare models here . For developers, delivery will begin in July 2014, while the user version will begin in September.

Myo Developer FAQ
What does the Myo Armband output do?
The Myo Armband provides you with both spatial data and gestural data.

Movement of your user's arm. This data is provided by the 9-axis inertial measurement unit (IMU). The Myo SDK will provide two kinds of spatial data:
• It is pointed out in terms of roll, pitch, and yaw.
• Acceleration of data is undergoing at any given time.

Data of hands. The Myo SDK provides you with pre-set poses, which represent a unique configuration of your own hand. For example, one pose a hand for a fist, while another represents the hand of a fist. EMG muscle activity sensors.

What IMU data will we have access to?
The 9-axis IMU data line includes:
• Raw accelerometer data
• Raw gyroscope data
• Raw magnetometer data
• Orientation data provided by the sensor

Does the Myo armband provide X, Y, Z position data?
It is not a problem to make it so that it can be doubled. This would unfortunately introduce a significant amount of error, therefore the position data is not currently offered as a standard output. It’s better than the absolute position.

How many gestures are available?
When it’s my SD card, it is available to the public. The API will be defined closer to the date of public launch.

Developers 5-10 hand poses with the program. For example, it’s possible to make a statement on the left, right, on the outside, on the air, If you want, you can’t even

Does the Myo SDK provide access to the raw EMG sensor data?
The Myo SDK will not have access to raw EMG sensor data. Raw data output from the EMG sensors would significantly reduce battery length and performance. Additionally, the EMG can be recognized across a wide area of ​​population. For the developers. We’re focusing on the EMG signal.

Will developers be able to create custom gestures?
Developers will have been able to create a custom space in 3D space. Developers will not have the ability to customize the available hand poses.

Can two myo armbands be used simultaneously?
Yes, the SDK Myo Armbands, with one on each arm.

Can the Myo armband be worn on a leg?
The Myo Armband and SDK does not support muscle readings from a leg. Users can wear it on their leg, however.

Does the Myo armband provide haptic feedback?
Yes, it can be audible and sensed through touch.

Is the Myo armband waterproof?
The Myo Armband is designed to resist water damage, however the device is not waterproof.

Does the Myo armband require calibration?
It will not require calibration or individual setup.

Do I have to pay for firmware updates?
No, all firmware updates will be available for download.

What platforms are available?
The Myo SDK will have official support for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Additional platform support will be made available to the public. It will be up to you.

What is the Myo Alpha Program?
It’s not a problem. It’s amazing what you’re constantly reviewing. Developers can apply here. Those selected will receive an official invitation via email.

What is the difference between the Myo Alpha Unit, the Myo Development Kit, and the Final Myo Armband?
Find out what you can find in our recent blog post.

Can I update my original development kit?
Yes, you can update your Myo Developer Kit here. If you have further questions, you can email support@thalmic.com.

When will Myo armbands ship?
The most up-to-date shipping information can be found on our pre-order page.

When will my SDK be made available?
The Myo SDK is now available to the public when it begins to ship.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227477/

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