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Continuing Amateur

I wrote this post as my own continuation of the post “The Voynich Manuscript. Manchurian Candidate . I recommend that you first read it, and then continue reading my post.

Since this is my first post, and I could not finish my thoughts in the form of a comment, I am taking a risk, so to speak. Please do not judge much. The text is not directly related to computer topics.

Looking through half sheets of the manuscript , I, as a little keen on various aspects of maintaining health in the oriental style, saw a reference book of medicinal, and not only plants. This is pretty obvious even for an unprepared user. Turning to the section where every experienced one will see primarily groups of naked women, I was confused. Women, channels, women from above, women from below. But after reading the above post to the place where it was written: “As some researchers of the VMS argue for the hypothesis that women in the pools is a picture of human internal organs.” I sincerely saw the light.

I will explain why. If we proceed from the assumptions that the manuscript is an aurally rewritten text of Far Eastern (Manchu) origin, then we need to remember that in this case we have not only a document created at the language interface (rewriting poorly knows the original language), but also at the junction of cultures.
What did I see? The Far East is always associated with unconventional medicine. Recently, being fascinated by the teachings of Show-Tao, which in modern society is most fully represented by only one person, Alexander Nikolayevich Medvedev , and later, having begun studying the works of other masters from China, who teach specifically Qigong , I saw two trends that are fully reflected in MV . First, an attempt to explain to an inexperienced student, interlocutor, the essence of the teachings, with the involvement of third-party, already familiar images, which help to more quickly assimilate new knowledge. And secondly, tracing the movement of "women" in some images from top to bottom, it occurred to me to describe the movement of Qi energy through the body. In particular, it is very well described in the book Yang Junmin, The Roots of Chinese Qigong. Secrets of successful practice . Moderately using images, the author described in detail what we see in the illustrations of the CF. It can be assumed that, explaining certain principles of human life processes to the author of the manuscript, he or she possesses knowledge using images of purity by analogy, a woman - some energy (Qi), or the concept of Yin, which is historically associated with the feminine principle, was implied water.

Logically, it becomes much clear if you put together the following facts:

1. The language of the manuscript is of Eastern origin.
2. Eastern culture has long been associated with a peculiar approach to a person’s lifestyle, his attitude to his health, the acceptance of the existence of some vital Qi energy, which cannot be shown or seen, but it lives by its own laws and can be controlled, for example, for healing.
3. For healing, using special plants that are drawn in sufficient detail in the MV. The fact that many of the painted plants are no longer recognized by modern botanists only means that many plant species, like animals, disappear from the face of the earth.
4. The imaginative description of the processes within a person, which was probably the main way of communication between different cultural groups of the population, and even more so, different peoples, speakers of different languages. And even now, when communicating with foreigners in a relaxed atmosphere, we tend to use different gestures to simplify our understanding of what we want to say.

Conclusion: everything written in the main theme and supplemented in this suggests another wish to all professionals and enthusiastic personalities. The real breakthrough in any difficult, seemingly insoluble business is made by those who work at the junction of various fields of knowledge. Those who, by virtue of their unusual mentality, combine linguistics and databases, encryption and art, medicine and writing, atomic physics and linguistics .

UPDATE: Amendments to the text, after reading the comments. It’s quite normal, and for that, thank you very much for skeptical comments on such topics, they are nothing but an alternative point of view, helping others to look at the subject of the dispute differently and see the weak points in the arguments described above. And I am ready to explain some of them. Since I initially did not intend to write my article as something serious, but only as a supplement, now I am correcting the situation.

Here, empty places are scattered arbitrarily, in some places the text is adjacent to the pictures or the edge of the sheet without a gap, and nearby, on the same page, there are huge empty spaces. The drawings themselves look strange - they are made clumsily, but confidently. It looks like an abstract of lectures by a student of the Losers, who mixed text with boredom.

Absolutely agree with you, the layout of the text does not look well structured. But let us imagine that the text was initially corresponded from the illustrations, and then explanations and comments were added to them. This becomes more obvious if you imagine what it would be like if the manuscript were created in the reverse order. Everyone, probably, in his life designed notes, being a student, barely keeping up with the teacher. And the experience that illustrations need to take a separate place, came with time. And not everyone. In addition, where only the text is written, it is clear that everything was filled in quite compact and neat.
Secondly, the quality of execution of illustrations. As already mentioned, the colorful sketches acquired later, before that there were only sketches.

For healing, using special plants, which are detailed enough in the MV. The fact that many of the painted plants are no longer recognized by modern botanists only means that many plant species, like animals, disappear from the face of the earth.
--- Disappear from the face of the earth, but not from its mass

Although it is not directly related to the discussion of the manuscript, I still try to answer this statement. Flora and fauna, as if we did not want this, is constantly changing. New species appear with a new set of properties: appearance, chemical composition of plants, features of development and reproduction, etc., and disappear as a result of global changes in the environment or as a result of destructive human activity. I do not quite understand what it means “but not from its thickness” . If you mean that the seeds or the plants themselves are stored as fossils, then everything is not so simple. Fossil is a phenomenon that comprehends not all living tissue samples on our planet. One of the main conditions preceding successful fossilization is the complete isolation of the object from oxygen. For this, the plant or animal should get into a well-protected layer of soil in a short time after death, which was not difficult for the dinosaur period, given the turbulent period of volcanic activity and crustal movements. Further, in order for a plant to undergo fossilization, it must fall into special conditions, when its tissues will be stably replaced by more stable compounds, without destroying the structure of the tissues. Thirdly, hard tissues are more susceptible to fossilization, and to a lesser extent soft ones. Therefore, scientists are much more likely to find bones and much less often plants, small insects. Although there are cases when even petrified pollen was found. But this is from the category of happy occasions.
Finally, the time required for this process is tens of thousands of years or more. If we assume that plants that existed at least in the period of our era are described in the manuscript, then the chances of finding fossilized remains in the ground approach zero. Although on the other hand, as I said, a breakthrough in any research can be accomplished by people working at the interface of different sciences. Perhaps it makes sense to submit sketches from the manuscript to paleontologists.

And no one has seen the dragons that roam the planet, but this does not mean that they simply died out ...
But the theme of dragons just goes beyond the subject. I can only say that the widespread mention of such a beast as a dragon in the most diverse cultures can only say that it can be anything, but not to those whom it is given for. About this you can write a separate thesis)))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227447/

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