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Sell ​​a lot: the principles of the device sales department


Dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you again.
Earlier we talked about the skills that a salesperson needs to master in order to successfully sell their products or services. We promised to talk about what principles we apply to manage the sales department as a whole.

Today we will talk about what principles we identified for the organization of the sales department and what typical mistakes we saw when analyzing the experience of other companies.

Team spirit above personal

All our rules for the work of the sales department are based on teamwork. We have identified five such rules and work in accordance with them every day.

1. Sellers should sit as close as possible to each other.

In many cases, sellers are trying to seat in different ends of the room, so that they do not interfere with each other to talk on the phone - we believe that this is a blunder. Sellers must sit side by side, they must be charged with each other's successes - there must be a drive in the seller’s work, and if at least one seller sits separately from everyone, he will not receive this drive. Arrange in your office a small stock exchange in the best traditions of Wall Street, let it be noisy and fun.

2. Sellers must learn from each other.

As soon as one of them managed to make a new deal, or as soon as he could come up with an excellent phrase to start a conversation with a potential buyer, he should immediately share this with his colleagues. In general, sellers must communicate not only with the customer, but also with each other constantly.

3. Build sales chains with roles

All people are different and everyone gets something worse, but something turns out better. It is very wrong to try to make everyone work according to the same standards - where it is better to use the strengths of each of your employees. If one of your salespeople can ideally sell by phone, while the other can hold personal meetings well, combine this: let one make appointments, and the other holds them. There are many such roles and their combinations. But the most important thing is that in this case the whole team works most effectively, and not every single seller.

4. Remuneration should depend more on teamwork and not on personal

This is the worst mistake many make: usually the director of sales appoints the highest bonuses to star sellers. Between them and the entire department a terrible competition flares up - every man for himself. Nobody helps anyone, and he is not going to help, and this is fundamentally wrong, with such an approach it is impossible to fully realize all that we talked about above. Another thing, when 70-80% of bonuses depend on teamwork, and 20-30% from personal. In this case, the star seller will still get more, but the team will understand who their bonuses depend on, because all team members will try to work smoothly and in synergy with each other.

5. Remove unnecessary items

If there is a character in the team that cannot work under any sauce in the way that the team works - fire it boldly! Dismiss as quickly as possible all those who are not able to adapt quickly. Your task is to sell, and not to engage in patronage of the arts.

The success lies in the quantity

Unlike many salespeople who spend a lot of time courting each client from a carefully selected list, we consider that we should take it by quantity. To sell successfully, you need to sell a lot: make as many calls as possible, schedule as many meetings as possible, and so on.

It's simple, with a conversion of 5% 100 calls will bring 5 transactions, 200 calls 10 transactions. Telephone calls in sales are even more preferable than face-to-face meetings - they can be done much more than holding meetings in 1 day.

Every minute of the seller’s working time must be busy. This is the task of a good boss - the seller must always sell. Look for new markets, new destinations, new customer bases, call old customers, but in no case let us leave it to your employees. Our salespeople, while working with us, began to quit smoking - they simply had no time for it.

And about the quantity: the more sellers, the more sales. Feel free to invest in sales and marketing.


So that the effectiveness of the applicable rules of the organization of the sales department leaves no doubt, it is necessary to take care of the introduction of a simple reporting form. We believe that the most appropriate way is to use your own CRM system. It is necessary to record all calls, meetings, negotiations, etc. This is the only way you can see the dynamics and understand the impact of your employees.
All successful or unsuccessful negotiations should also be documented. All customer questions and answers we record and analyze further in order to improve.


And finally, we want to say that not a single meeting and not a single sale in our experience went as planned, which means that you always need to prepare for everything - you must always learn and it is very important! Therefore, we advise you to constantly prepare for sales, arrange role-playing games, train on each other.

We would really like to hear from you in the comments how the sales departments in your companies are arranged. This would greatly help us learn something new. We hope that our experience will also be useful for you.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227421/

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