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Own WebGL engine. Article number 3. Primitives

In the continuation of the article

The first article has already used the very first primitive, which can be called simply “arbitrary shape”.

Before describing the primitive objects, I repeat once again two basic requirements-comments from our system:

In addition to the requirements for each primitive, we can connect the matrix . Once connected, you can easily perform the following manipulations:

The primitives themselves can be divided:

Simple primitives



This primitive is a flat rectangle. To build enough 2 triangles. The necessary minimum of input data we need to get is the center of our shape, its width and height. At the output, we must get at least 2 arrays: an array of vertices, an array of indices. Each vertex is calculated through the center, width and height, so the upper left vertex is the point at which x is offset from the center by half the width to the left, and y is half the height up, z is not shifted - the figure is flat. In the same way we find all the other vertices.
[this.frontCenter[0] - width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] + height / 2, this.frontCenter[2], /*   - 0*/ this.frontCenter[0] + width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] + height / 2, this.frontCenter[2], /*   - 1*/ this.frontCenter[0] + width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] - height / 2, this.frontCenter[2], /*   - 2*/ this.frontCenter[0] - width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] - height / 2, this.frontCenter[2]]; /*   - 3*/ 

In the array of indices, we define how our points will be combined. In this primitive 2 triangles
Upper left point, upper right point, lower left point. In the array of vertices, these are elements - 0,1,3
Upper right point, lower right point, lower left point. In the array of vertices, these are elements - 1,2,3
Accordingly, an array of indices looks like this:
The order of the indices will not change, but with the peaks there may be some changes. In order to easily manipulate our primitive, we will translate an array of vertices into a matrix.
 this.matrix = new botuMatrix(this.vertex,3); 

Operations with primitive

When manipulating the matrix, the array passed as an input parameter will change, in this case, the array of vertices. When describing the matrix , possible manipulations with the matrix were indicated. Let's connect these manipulations to our primitive.
  moveByX:function(value){ this.matrix.move(value,0); }, moveByY:function(value){ this.matrix.move(value,1); }, moveByZ:function(value){ this.matrix.move(value,2); }, testToPoint:function(value){ this.matrix.toPoint(value); }, rotateAroundCenter:function(angle,xyzType) { this.matrix.rotate(angle,this.matrix.center,xyzType); }, rotateAroundMaxPoint:function(angle,xyzType) { this.matrix.rotate(angle,this.matrix.maxval,xyzType); }, rotateAroundPoint:function(angle,point,xyzType) { this.matrix.rotate(angle,point,xyzType); }, 

These operations are not dependent on the primitive, so in the future we will connect them without comment.


This primitive is a hexahedron. Almost a cube, only faces can be both squares and rectangles.
The description will be the same as the rectangle, just add another input parameter - depth.
The cube will have 8 vertices, as if the far and near rectangle. From the simple rectangle described above, the difference will be in calculating the Z coordinate, which in the near rectangle will decrease by half the depth, and in the far one will also increase by half the depth.
To do this, just take two centers.
  this.frontCenter=[centerPoint[0],centerPoint[1],centerPoint[2] - depth / 2]; this.backCenter=[centerPoint[0],centerPoint[1],centerPoint[2] + depth / 2]; 

And in the array we will create 2 rectangles, the first with the center frontCenter, the second with the center backCenter.
  /* */ this.frontCenter[0] - width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] + height / 2, this.frontCenter[2], /* - 0*/ this.frontCenter[0] + width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] + height / 2, this.frontCenter[2],/* - 1*/ this.frontCenter[0] + width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] - height / 2, this.frontCenter[2],/* - 2*/ this.frontCenter[0] - width / 2, this.frontCenter[1] - height / 2, this.frontCenter[2],/* - 3*/ /* */ this.backCenter[0] - width / 2, this.backCenter[1] + height / 2, this.backCenter[2],/* - 4*/ this.backCenter[0] + width / 2, this.backCenter[1] + height / 2, this.backCenter[2],/* - 5*/ this.backCenter[0] + width / 2, this.backCenter[1] - height / 2, this.backCenter[2],/* - 6*/ this.backCenter[0] - width / 2, this.backCenter[1] - height / 2, this.backCenter[2]/* - 7*/ 

Concerning the vertices of the indices. There are 6 faces in a cube, each of which consists of 2 triangles.
/ * the rectangle nearest to us, the only one that we see, before the cube manipulations * /

/ * left edge * /

/ * bottom line * /

/ * right edge * /

/ * upper bound * /

/ * back edge * /

Difficult-composite primitives

Simple primitives. which we created consist of triangles, and before creating this primitive, we mentally split it into triangles. Complex primitives will consist of any other geometric, two-dimensional shape. This article will consider the only "complex primitive" - ​​the ball. Which will consist of rectangles.

What you need to know to draw a ball - coordinates and radius? Yes. But I will add one more small parameter - detailing.
Here is the same circle, with the same radius, only different details. The fact that in the description of the primitive will be understood under the detail - a little later.
Detailing - 35
Detailing - 10

To implement this algorithm

Full code of the first 3 articles with detailed comments

An example of work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227415/

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