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Swift hackathon based on WWDC 2014 from CocoaHeads Moscow

At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2014), held this month, Apple was pleased with the largest SDK update since its release in 2007. More than 4,000 new APIs are introduced, including Extensions, CloudKit, Adaptive View Controllers, new HomeKit, HeathKit, Metal frameworks, as well as Swift's own language. Such a variety of technologies gives Cocoa an excellent opportunity for developers to get together and work on something really new.

On Saturday and Sunday, June 28-29, the CocoaHeads Moscow community will hold Russia's first specialized iOS / OS X hackathon, which will be held at the Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group. In the program: a series of short reports on the technologies presented by the community members and, of course, rampant development from morning until the next evening.

Teams will develop an app for iOS 8 or OS X Yosemite using the new components of the SDK, preferably in Swift . At the end of the second day, teams can share their impressions and talk about the pitfalls seen along the way. Productive development will contribute to food, drinks and soft ottomans, where a tired developer can take a break at night. At the end of the hackathon, a vote will be taken for the best projects and audience prizes will be awarded.

If you have time to deal with the innovations from Apple and want to share your experience, you can submit a 5-10 minute report at the beginning of the hackathon.
Sign up for a Timepad . Participation is free.

Venue: Mail.Ru Group office
Our address: Moscow, 39 Leningradsky Avenue, (first line of Leningradsky Avenue), p. 79.
When: from 11-00 on June 28 to 19-00 on June 29

Take a laptop with Xcode 6 and, optionally, a device with iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. It is highly desirable to be a registered Apple developer :) Come, it will be interesting!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227283/

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