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Some interesting and useful things for web developer # 19

Good day, dear habravchane. Recently, I saw some interesting and useful tools / libraries / events that I want to share with Habr.


The library allows you to create great multi-level / scalable cross-platform graphs and diagrams with instant re-rendering during user interaction. The well-known d3.js is responsible for the rendering process, and for the analysis of multidimensional data sets crossfilter.js . By the way, cross filter is a project of the notorious company Square.
chart.renderlet(function(chart){ // smooth the rendering through event throttling dc.events.trigger(function(){ // focus some other chart to the range selected by user on this chart someOtherChart.focus(chart.filter()); }); }) 


Very interesting project from the team CartoDB. The script allows you to create interactive stories with reference to specific locations. Everything is done using Markdown. It is very difficult to describe in words what Odyssey does, so it’s better to see a living example .

Web starter kit

Google's Web Starter Kit is such a great designer / template for cross-platform web development. It incorporates best practices from Web Fundamentals and PageSpeed ​​Insights tips. In general, there are many useful things there, including the already assembled Gulp collector. For two days, the project managed to collect almost 2500 stars on GitHub.


Very interesting script from the point of view of UX. I remember relatively recently on Habré in the “I am PR” section there was a post about a startup that allows you to keep customers online. For example, a potential client has studied the product for a long time, but in the end his cursor is sent to close the tab. The service determines this moment and starts a popup with a discount offer. Ouibounce, of course, is much simpler, but the forces of the opensource community are endless ... smile


A specific wrapper for localForage by Mozilla. Storage is an asynchronous browser storage with IndexedDB, WebSQL, localStorage, created for the “better offline experience”.
 <script src="storage.js"></script> <script>window.storage('key', fn);</script> 

 // set storage({ key: 'val', key2: 'val2'}, function(err) {}); // get storage('key', function(err, val) {}); storage(['key', 'key2'], function(err, all) {}); // all.length == 2 // count storage(function(err, count) {}); // count == 2 // delete storage('key', null, function(err) {}); storage(['key', 'key2'], null, function(err) {}); 

Outdated browser

The most elegant way to tell the user that their browser is outdated. In general, this project should be regarded as a call from web developers to motivate their users to upgrade the browser, so that everything would be easier for us in the future.
 <script src="outdatedBrowser.min.js"></script> <style type="text/css" src="outdatedBrowser.min.css"></style> <div id="outdated"> <h6>Your browser is out-of-date!</h6> <p>Update your browser to view this website correctly. <a id="btnUpdateBrowser" href="http://outdatedbrowser.com/">Update my browser now </a></p> <p class="last"><a href="#" id="btnCloseUpdateBrowser" title="Close">Ă—</a></p> </div> 

 function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } //call plugin function after DOM ready addLoadEvent( outdatedBrowser({ bgColor: '#f25648', color: '#ffffff', lowerThan: 'transform' }) ); 


Western thoughts or what would translate to Habré:


Previous selection (Release 18)

I apologize for any typos. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal.

Thank you all for your attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227069/

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