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The invention of social networks

Not the first year, a favorite example of investors about the stupidity of startups: they proposed the idea of ​​another social network. Although recently a certain Secret (where messages are anonymous) suddenly picked up and made a noise. Or worse, the service for sending three two letters received an investment of $ 1.2M . It seems to me that actually varying various parameters of a social network is an interesting field for thought experiments. So I wanted to list all such parameters.

1. The maximum number of friends . What will happen if we can only allow 10 people to zafrendit? It is obvious that people will start to approach their choice of friends extremely discreetly. And their choice will tell a lot about them. And if you limit the bottom - you can not use until you are fond of (mutually) 500 people. Will such an input filter affect content quality?

2. The maximum amount of content . Twitter did it and the result is known - the small format content is good for spreading news. But there remains a large field of options, both in the direction of decreasing and increasing. Suppose you can not publish texts less than 3000 characters. Or it can be only in the range from 1000 to 2000. Probably, the overall quality of the content will increase, because authors and readers have a different attitude to long texts. However, the target audience, of course, dramatically reduced. Variations with varying volume mass, and all of them will have different consequences.

3. A variety of paragraph 2 - the maximum number of publications . What if not more than three times a day? How about once a month? This clearly will not contribute to the development of Internet addiction, but there will be a dramatic increase in the number of friends that you will have time to read. (And again, it is possible to change the quality of the content). You can bind the allowed number of publications to any things in real life. For example, to fitness meters - ran 5 km - earned the right to publish. Or have sex - you can post a post (not necessarily about it)). Or shopping - buy five things through Yandex.market and publish on Ya.ru. Well, or stupidly pay for publications above the limit (also applies to other restrictions).
I think for points 1-3 there are “magic numbers” - a smooth change in the parameter will lead to a smooth change in the results, but at certain values ​​there will be a sharp (qualitative) change in the result.

4. Restriction on the subject of content . It would seem that if the social network is for fishermen (a non-strict restriction on the audience), then here it is a thematic restriction. But nothing prevents fishermen from discussing politics, cars and so on. Suppose a social network of general purpose, but there is a strictly defined set of topics for posting. And not necessarily from one area. Something similar on Habré is implemented - for publication the author must choose a hub from the set. Or as an option: you can write on any topic except (list). This way you can, for example, limit holivars. Or attract thematic authors.

5. Restriction on the type of content . Youtube, Instagram and others have done it for a long time - videos or photos are published. I don’t know about the sound - is it just to publish audio? (In the comments said that there is: soundcloud.com, voxxes.com)

6. Restriction on the level of user rating . Suppose the system calculates your social weight , and the authors of posts prohibit them to comment on users with a rating below the specified. Bloc Thousands will dramatically decrease the number of trolls in the comments.

7. Age limit user. Or the corridor of age.

8. Gender of the user.

9. The lifetime of the content. Now formally, it is infinite, but in fact, in most cases, the post on the social network lives a short time after publication. In the sense of enjoys attention. If you introduce a formal limit on the lifetime, in theory, this will affect the nature of the content.

10. Entry barrier for authors and / or publications. It can be of a different kind (get an invite, pay, get recommendations from several people, something else can be thought up ..). Content should also depend on the size of the barrier. For example, as indicated in the comments, if there is a fee, this will be a restriction for bots.

If I think of more, I will add. Those interested can also participate. In fact, you can think up the parameters of the darkness and not everything makes sense to write here. For example, a network for people with incomes from and to (a strict limit on the audience).

And of course, all the points can be combined in various ways with each other, getting fancy variants of social interactions.

Update 1 Actually I forgot about anonymity. As we can see from the example of Secret, it greatly influences. I also remembered the experience of Gamer.ru, when you can cast spells on other people's posts / comments. Such an element of gamification. True, this is not a parameter, but a good area for experimentation.
Even from the field of experiments: you can not post in yourself, but only on the walls of friends :) From the assumption that they are interested.

Update 2 Vokabre with your comments reminded another parameter (even two), I will add them in paragraphs 9 and 10.

Update 3 Based on the Facebook post . Suppose Yandex doesn’t start showing relevant ads to the request “replace glass in an iPhone”, and instead, in a special social network it automatically frends you to people who have entered the same request today or yesterday. This way you get into the community of people who have the same problem and they can exchange information and help each other in solving. In general, this is the idea of ​​a social network for temporary interests and with short-lived friendly connections that are automatically deleted after some condition (the problem is solved, the event has ended, the course has been passed, etc.).
Of course, you can also add / delete yourself. I would make a special button “add to social network” on different sites. Since people constantly solve some problems, participate in events, are sick, and so on, they are constantly in the same network, but the tape is relevant to their current needs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227067/

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