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Show me an advertisement, I'm ready

The idea of ​​this article was prompted to me by advertising on Youtube. Once again, when I turned on the child a cartoon about a mammoth, Youtube decided to please us in front of this very cartoon with an advertisement for a movie with shots of murder and violence (16+). This approach is well trained in the speed and reaction of parents - you need to have time to press “Skip Ad” as soon as it becomes possible. As a result, I, as a potential consumer, did not feel all the charm of the product advertised in the video - the advertising company failed, the advertiser suffers potential losses.
Let's try together to understand how modern technologies can improve this situation.

In outline

First, while there is no technical possibility to understand who is sitting in front of the monitor, it is also unknown if this person has his wallet and the ability to make a choice of a product or product. But sometimes, people around this person can have this information and are even ready to share it.
Secondly, we will assume that viewing an advertisement is mandatory and cannot be replaced with a paid subscription to a site or application (users cannot or do not want to pay).
So, this conclusion suggests itself: let someone from capable, smart, beautiful and modest people look at all advertisements whenever they want, and the rest will watch their cartoons, and will not plunge into the world of consumer society with terrible explosions, incomprehensible securities markets, music bonuses and other promoted goods and services.

More about the idea

I’d just make a reservation - I didn’t think about any project on this topic, below only the reasoning on the subject “how it could be done” is given. If you are interested in someone, then boldly take the idea into service.
The main postulate: the user can agree to a voluntary viewing of advertising, even answer a few questions for more accurate positioning, so that in inconvenient times this advertisement does not interfere, does not irritate and in general. For example, the scenario may be as follows: I go to a special page, indicate my performance characteristics (tactical and technical characteristics), inform you that I intend to buy, for example, a mixer, and enjoy the highly artistic advertising of mixers. In the end, I can answer a few more questions to confirm that I understood everything, realized and will definitely buy a dozen mixers next week. When I consciously watch ads, I will choose the most interesting offers, I am mentally and physically ready for this. In other words, if chaotic advertising is out of place, then it can be concentrated in a separate time interval, which the user will choose.

Video advertising

The most annoying, in my opinion, is advertising on video services, which, as a rule, is shown at the beginning of a video or movie, in the middle (at the most exciting moment) and at the end. It is clear that advertising is needed to make money and this is a necessary condition for the existence of a video service.
Considering our main postulate, the conclusion about the possibility of creating the service “Show me an advertisement” (hereinafter referred to as “PMR” service), which would allow the video service (or mobile application) to add a section where the user would “pay off” for the video service by viewing the advertisement .
Most likely, such large companies as Google will not use the third-party service “PMR”, but there are many small players who can agree on this option for the sake of their users.

To make everything seem very logical to the user, ideally, you need to be able to transfer some context with information about the user's behavior and preferences through the API of the on-demand advertising service.

Banners on sites

The most common type of advertising on the Internet, probably, are banners. There are a lot of them everywhere. To deal with them came up with various add-ons, such as Ad-Block. By and large, even Ad-Block does not always help, something may be missed by them, but on the other hand, white canvases in prominent places of the site instead of functional elements are also not always convenient. In principle, a separate section with advertising could improve the overall impression of some sites, at least for regular users. I do not know why, but most of all I want to get rid of the flashing ad unit on the right in the Yandex.Music service.

Mobile applications

If a website hung with banners can somehow be transformed using Ad-Block, then it’s not so easy to handle mobile applications. There are many mobile applications for different platforms that are distributed free of charge, but inside they have a terrible banner that climbs under your finger. Such banners in children's applications are especially annoying. It's a shame it happens when a very good application on a tablet for a child has a hefty flashing advertising area on the side, touching which breaks all the logic of the game and opens up something absurd. Theoretically, as in other cases, you can allow the user to view the advertisement on a separate screen, fix this preview and remove banners for a while.

User Authorization

The user who will view the ad must somehow be identified so that the website or mobile application understands whether to show banners or commercials or not. In principle, you can make authorization through social network profiles and then the user will be surrounded by a good context, viewing history. Going through different sites the service “PMR” will understand what needs to be shown to him. You can develop this idea even further - to organize a "single account" of the user. For example, site A requires a monthly fee of 50 conditional advertising units. Site B requires a fee of 20 advertising units. I can view advertisements on site B for 70 ad units, but pass 50 of them to site A.

Pay per view

Also, as well as for displaying banners, sites should receive income for advertising. In the case of using the “MRT” service, the site should have some account on which funds are accumulated. From time to time the service "PMR" lists the site earned amount.

The closest to the “PMR” service seem to be companies that provide banners to many sites - they have customers who order advertising. They already have some API that can be extended to the capabilities of the “MRT” service.
The second group of close services can be called numerous “surveys for money”, in which often come across implementations of mechanisms for viewing ads and answering questions about what was viewed. Despite this, you can try to build such a service “PMR” from scratch. The main condition is to recruit advertisers on the one hand, and on the other hand websites should use this service en masse.

It would be interesting to know the opinion of habravchan in the comments about the technical aspects of the implementation of the service "PMR" - that I still lost sight of?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227025/

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