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How we create the best service for the selection of credit cards in RuNet

After we revealed the secrets of interest-free periods of credit cards , introduced you to the features of opening cards abroad , told about the prospects of the Chinese Unionpay payment system in Russia , it was time to talk about ourselves: credit card selection service credit-card.ru .

Since there are more than one such service in runet, then when developing our project we began with a detailed analysis of competitors. Credit cards - the most popular product. It is possible to argue on the topic “whether it is permissible to live beyond our means” for a long time, but sometimes it is extremely convenient to be able to spend bank money (albeit with a return). Especially with a variety of bonuses and promotions that come bundled with many credit cards. However, to navigate in all the variety of cards, tariffs and banks is not easier than to understand the various tariffs of mobile operators.

In addition to absolutely useless for the user "pages for making money", which simply clog up the search results, created only for redirecting users to the websites of banks via referral links, without creating any added value, there are quite useful and respectable services in runet.
First of all, these are the relevant sections of the www.banki.ru and www.sravni.ru sites , as well as specialized resources: creditcardsonline.ru , credit-card.ru

We studied them all to make a project that will excel them in quality and convenience. And it seems to us that, thanks to our sharpening under a narrow theme, we succeeded. Judge for yourself:

We have

The most complete database of maps in runet : sites usually issue a limited selection of recommended maps, and we offer the maximum selection. To do this, we manually collected the base of tariffs for 1,200 cards and regularly check it.

Advanced search , which includes selection options, which no one else has in runet:

  1. Search express cards (subway)
  2. 3D-secure
  3. ATM network LFS
  4. Magnetic stripe or chip
  5. PayPass and PayWave
  6. Individual design
  7. Bonuses (all cards with bonus miles)

Rating - cards are divided into categories, it is quite convenient to see cards, for example, by cash back or for accumulating bonus miles - you can immediately see how points are calculated.

Knowledge base: we constantly write articles on our profile. We have descriptions of loyalty programs of payment systems, banks; map reviews. All texts are written by people with financial education or with experience in a bank.

Daily update of data: every day we process press releases and display current promotions, news.

Comparing cards (which can be used to select a card is more profitable than yours) - shows the calculation of the amount of savings.


How we live

Like other similar services, we earn on the banks' CPA programs — we are paid for the clients we bring. Therefore, if you decide to start a credit card - find it through our website . But unlike many other sites, we are initially focused on providing users with the best service: that is why we collected the maximum base of maps, and not just those that generate income. Our main source of traffic now is search.


At the same time, we are working to constantly improve our service: in particular, we plan to add debit cards. And we will be glad to your ideas and suggestions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/227023/

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